Dossiers and Applications for Authorization
Besides the most prominent examples, Novel Foods and Health Claims, many other substances are subject to authorization. We take care of the preparation and submission of the authorization dossiers for:- Food Improvement Agents (enzymes, additives, flavors, smoke flavors)
- Special ingredients in infant formula and follow-on formula
- Nutrient sources for food supplements and for food fortification
- EU exemptions for allergen labeling
- Substances used in the manufacture of food contact materials
- Feed additives
We can gladly prepare scientific expert opinions and dossiers for you. For example, we prepare FSMP (foods for special medical purposes) dossiers required from 20 July 2016 in the context of Article 3 of Regulation (EU) No 609/2013 based on the requirements of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). Furthermore, we also prepare dossiers amending or supplementing the current legal requirements for infant formulae and follow-on formulae for submission to the European Commission and for safety evaluation by the EFSA.
On request we also prepare marketability certificates for your products.
We can provide assistance where notification to the competent authorities is required for
- Foods for specific groups and
- Food supplements
and support you in applying for exemptions and general rulings.